martes, 19 de agosto de 2014

# 1: Birth of the "Yankee" Empire and more.

 Long Before the arrival white man arrived from England (Europe ) on the Mayflower ship in 1603, life in Aby ayala, welife was normal life, freelanda.  Aby Ayala had hin owns culture, spiritual beliefs were typical; until everuthing changed when whith of the arrival of the white man

The  European race that came from England. And given the beginning of emigration to the north of the continent of Aby ayala, (now called American continent) and then be colonized in the name of "God" and freedom.

Travel Map of the White man fron England to Aby Ayala , the whitemen  changed to America continent.

  The Mayflower ship sails from Europe to Aby ayala. They escaped from Europe say the twisted history of Europe, for their religious beliefs, and not wanting to pay taxes they left Europe, sailed aimlessly as propaganda and invading white man.

The natives, native (Indian).
  Native  were the owners of the land in continent Aby ayala (Today America) most natives were annihilated; the few who survived were driven to the mountains called Reservation

* An estimated 30.000000 million natives (Indians) were massacred in different ways, and cruelty, by white Europeans, Americans now self titled or Canadian (USA and Canada)

* Thanksgiven (Day of thanksgiving)

* Thanksgiven (Day of thanksgiving)
After the natives (Indians) give them their friendship, shared their food with the European whiteman with turkey, joy of food crops in 1606 were victims more after the white man, where man and women natives were exterminated of this crime also among "Christians, followers of Jesus" etc. participated

* The European White man.
So Europeans were paid to them, the natives (Indians), raping women, were massacred, burning, stealing their land, wealth.

 Survivors who surrendered and not put resistance, they were given different forms of spirituality, religious sects brought from Europe, the 13-star flag.

* First flag rising empire
 * With 13-star flag. (Begin reborn empire).

Thus was born the 1st empire with its symbol! The red and white stripes and white stars on a blue background telling the history of the country, his indomitable spirit and his love of freedom.
The flag is as old as the nation itself. The June 14, 1777, a date now celebrated nationwide as Flag Day, the Founding Fathers founded on stolen land, on rivers of blood of millions of natives (Indians) European white man agreed to a resolution whereby a standard for the new nation was established. According to them, would have 13 red and white stripes alternately distributed, which represent the 13 newly created states, and 1 more revered for its citizens is the flag symbol. The red and white stripes and white stars on a blue background telling the history of the country, his indomitable spirit and his love of freedom.
* Such was the American empire, 13 colonies

 * Note to left, reads Spanish land, or land that they were in Mexico. These imperialists were stolen to Mexico in 1846, that's imperial history

*Black Africans.
Since the black race they had brought slaves from Africa, and the natives reusaron be their slaves. Each landowner Settler bought the black, with title deed or letter of purchase, was as slaves, whether you politicians, senators, congressmen, presidents, humiliated blacks were punished cruelly.

* According to the imperialists, colonialists.
Thus was born the rule: The red and white stripes and white stars on a blue background telling the history of the country, his indomitable spirit and his love of freedom.

After forming the 13 colonies, Europeans and European descendants, did not want to obey the mother country England, and other European colonies, born bourgeoisie, and wanted to become independent from England and the other colonies as the Spanish, French, German hated each other. Two armies to conquer each other and call the United States was formed.

 But for those! Following in the resistance struggle against the colonizer, for they represented the first 13 Yankees colony of white Europeans, their colonizers, usurpers of their land of their ancestors.

* Why are they called Yankee?
Because you are so called Yankee first army cavalry. They called the (Yankees "as they were cruel to kill ruthlessly obedient to scrap of skin with knives to the Indians, remove the head, ears, tongue, eyes, nose, breasts to women, men penises and dismembering children alive, nails with pliers or tongs, take them and drown feet, hands burn them alive. etc.

* The European invaders, self titled Americans.
Descendants of Europeans trying to reconquer each other, killed, massacred each other, formed two armies; that war is larger in territory, the empire began to expand. (He touched on another segment)

* Reflection.
White Man has invaded almost every corner of the globe. He has been to all the continents, has divided the to acculturated in their own way, in many places, and where resistance was bowed, through massacres, by force of the gun and the sword, with the help of the Christian religion, and where he has been able to impose his boot invasive, colonizing, imperialist leaves its trail, either "English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Dutch, German etc. It has not respected cultures, races, creeds 2014 until today.

1) In Caracas, in the years 1819 a general named Simon Bolivar said: "We do not kill each other, let us unite because in North America, a new nation is being born, that will be hostile to us and to the world," Simon Bolivar not mistaken, he spoke of the American empire.

2) From Venezuela. "It seems that divine providence (God) has gone to the United States to plague America with misery in the name of democracy and freedom" (Simon Bolivar)

* History.
  Been written by the same invaders, colonizers, their convenience. In North America it is an example, in Latin America, in other latitudes and Israel massacred and colonized, as well as in Africa.

Returning to the United States after nearly 100 years of massacres founded the 13 colonies of settlers: "the birth 13 stars Flag" Meaning massacres, murders, rapes, robberies, looting, invasion, colonization the formal birth of an empire.

Similarly to other Latin american, or the state of Israel, religious-Zionist European Jews are massacred millions of Palestinian Arabs, steals founded the State of Israel, identical, Ah but use guns, rifles and "holy books" to create history genocide, it's all in the name of: "Thank God," freedom and Democracy.

13 The biggest lies ever told, discovered of America
 * Video: All of you are "Mothers fuckers"  Yankee-Nazi-Zionist soldiers from USA.

Video. Puya anti fariana, popular forces,  Farc from Colombia  anti Yankee music.

 * Prefer a Palestinian friend, not a million Jews-Zionists friends

* Keep out  Palestine, you  Israel, USA, EU (OTAN)

NOTE: Do not forget that criticizes the imperialist past, present, the murderer, criminal, not the Europeans who have given lives, dignity, honor the world some women as examples Rosemburgos, Karl Marx, Lenin etc. etc. or Europeans who continue to struggle against injustice, truth etc.

Continue on the rule ...


RojoRojito.Mons.Romero is my shepherd, El Ché, Hugo Chávez my guides.

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